Solar panels save money and help minimize harmful carbon emissions from your area by installing them on your home. It's easy to become enthusiastic about the idea. But, before you put solar panels on your roof, what questions should you ask to make sure that solar energy makes sense for your house and location?
Is it necessary to get a new roof to put solar panels on my house?
Solar panels should be installed on a roof that is in good shape. Assessing your roof's condition is essential in determining if your house is suitable for solar power. You may want to replace or repair your roof before adding solar panels, depending on the age of your roof. The good news is that almost every sort of roof (asphalt, shingled, clay tile) can accept solar panels. Early in the process, a professional solar installer will evaluate your roof's viability.
Do we need to rewire our home to utilize solar power?
In most circumstances, little to no rewiring is required for solar power. However, you must ensure that your electrical service panel has enough room for the solar input and that it can handle the additional current draw.
Is the direction of my house suitable for solar power?
Historically, the best orientation for solar panels has been south, as this captured the most energy from the sun. However, advances in solar technology allow high-performance solar panels to capture a lot of clean energy from a roof that isn't correctly oriented to the sun - even on overcast days. Western or southwestern-facing roofs that collect more of the setting sun can frequently produce higher-value solar energy because some companies pay extra for solar energy fed into the grid during peak demand hours, such as late in the day.
Is it true that I must cut down trees to produce enough solar power for my house?
The most solar energy from your roof may necessitate the removal of some trees to let the maximum amount of light in. However, the good news is that advances in solar technology have made extensive tree cutting obsolete. New advancements in solar panels allow every panel to capture optimum sunlight, even in an area with shade.
Will going solar decrease the value of my home?
No. According to numerous studies, energy improvements such as solar power have been proven to raise the value of a property. The home's location, availability of performance-based solar incentives, and the age of the PV system will all have an effect.
How much can solar energy help us save?
The major concern regarding residential solar is how much money can you really save? This is determined by the amount of roof space available, the quantity of power you consume, the type of solar panels you choose, and the value of solar energy to your utility. Fortunately, solar installation charges have decreased dramatically over the last decade, and solar energy has become an excellent investment no matter where you live.